Steve Fielding is Right
We Greens hope for the balance of power in the Senate. We believe we can improve the legislation from either of the major political parties. We Greens are also thankful, that with less than 2% of the vote, Family First and their policies of hatred are unlikely to elect any Senators.
We Greens also note that the ALP prostituted themselves to gain Family First’s preferences. This enabled the Howard ilLiberal government its destructive control of the Senate and the election of the strange Family First Senator Fielding.
We Greens do not apologise for our drug policy. We are firmly opposed to the drug trade too. We reject the war on drug users. However, we cannot understand how drug addition is treated in jail. We believe it is a medical condition that is best treated by medical, not custodial personnel.
We Greens believe in economic growth but not at all costs. Economics growth is important. However, of equal importance are peace, non-violence, environmental sustainability, social justice and participatory democracy. We do not apologise for putting people first. But we Greens are surprised that a man who worships Christ puts mammon first.
We are surprise that Family First believes that anti-family Work Choices [sic] legislation only needs modification. We Greens think it is evil because of its fundamental view of work as a form of paid slavery! Forcing workers to work at their employer’s convenience is anti-family!
We look forward to working with the strange Family First while it occupies its undeserved seat in Parliament. We pray that the ALP will not fall for that deception again. We hope that, like Senator Wood’s political group, Family First will disappear without a trace.
A Green Watermelon