Sunday 6 May 2007

Restarting My Blog

I have decided to restart my blog. Why? I have been cleaning out my life and chucking everything. So I have been doing so on the computer to. I stand by most of the things I have said before, including a defence of political violence. This is unpopular in the post 911 world.

However, I decided to restart because it can be a clean slate. This blog has two functions. The first get me to publish my non-fiction works which include opinion pieces and sermons. The aim is to make sure I can write. Like all skills writing requires practice. I need to practice!.

The other is to counter the continual crap from the Christian bigots. They see themselves as the Christian right. However , I doubt they would have sat on the right side of the French King. They hate gays and think that evangelism requires denigration and they continually name call. Being my brothers in Christ, I need to start countering them.

It is an ineffectual method but I pray that God will bless it.

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